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2014 - Sold Report


2014 - October - Kathryn “Katie” Starr Remembers Kensington


2014 - August/September - Model Trains in Action – All Aboard Kensington


2014 - May - A Milestone on the Road to rehabilitation


2014 - March - A Visit with Gloria and Dan Botkiss – 60 Years on Carroll Place - Part 2




2013 - Summer - Paint the Town


2013 - Fall A Visit with Gloria and Dan Botkiss

60 Years on Carroll Place - Part 1


2013 - March - There’s No Place Like Noyes


2012 - October - All Aboard Kensington! Returns


2012 - September - The Woman’s Club of Chevy Chase


2012 - May - Good Neighbors Remembered


2012 - April - Celebrate the Book with Noyes


2012 - Winter - From the Farm to Kensington All Year Round




2011 Fall - All Came on Board


2011 - Summer - 2011 Mid Year Sold Report


2011 - Summer -  All Aboard Kensington! Train Trackers of DC come to Kensington


2011 - May/June - Meet Your Neighbors: Fifi and Will Chase


2011 - March - Celebrating the International Day of the Book; The Wheaton/Kensington Rotary Club

















2007 - Annual Sold Report


2007 - Fall - Introducing Two New Restaurants in Kensington


2007 - Mid Year Sold Report


2007 - Summer - Paint the Town and the MCAA


2007 - May/June - What’s Old is New in Kensington


2007 - February/March - Long-Term Residents Daniel and Gloria Botkiss Recall Kensington Fondly


2006 - Nov/Dec - Helping Hands – Introducing Four Community Organizations


2006 - Fall - Fun at the Kensington Labor Day Festival


2006 - June - Parenting with a Smile


2006 - April - The Kensington Nursery School, 66 Years of Family and Children, Part 2


2006 - March - The Kensington Nursery School, 66 Years of Family and Children, Part 1


2005 - Fall - A Special Anniversary


2005 - September - The Kensington Poetry Contest: Congratulations to the Winners


2005 - Summer  - Memories of Sixty Years on Franklin Street, Part 2


2005 - June - Memories of Sixty Years on Franklin Street, Part 1


2005 - February - A Tour of Capitol View Park






2000 - Fall - Looking Back: 28 Years at the Noyes Library


2000 - Summer - Olde Old Town Kensington


2000 - Summer - The Beginnings of Kensington, MD


2000 - May - Isadella Ward’s Family Memories, Part 2


2000 - Spring - Isadella Ward’s Family Memories, Part 1


1999 - December - 99-Plus Years of Looking Back, Part 3


1999 - Fall - 99-Plus Years of Looking Back, Part 2


1999 - Fall - 99-Plus Years of Looking Back, Part 1


1999 - Spring - Woman’s Community Club of Kensington Anniversary, Part 3


1998 - December - The Kensington Letters


1998 - Fall - Woman’s Community Club of Kensington Anniversary Celebration, Part 2


1998 - Summer - Woman’s Community Club of Kensington Anniversary Celebration, Part 1




1996 - December - Neighbors for Over Half a Century


1995 - November -  Maggie Hahn: Seven Decades of Montgomery County History up Close


1995 - Fall - A caring Community Shows its Support


1995 - Fall - More Remembrances of Alfred D. Noyes, age 87


1995 - Jan/Feb -  Boyhood Remembrances of Alfred D. Noyes, age 87


1994 - October - Cause for Celebration – Kensington Park Library Reopens Monday, October 17, 1994


1994 - July/August -  Kensington Labor Day Festival


1994 - June - Celebrating the Town’s founding 100 years


1994 - May - Remembering the Kensignton Founders


1994 - March - Helping the Community – Profile of an Artist, Judy Hank Henn


1994 - Jan/Feb - The View From Here


1993 - September - A Centennial Reunion: Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church Celebrates 10


1993 - July/August - A Kensington Scrap Book


1993 - June - The Stars Come Out Again for Noyes


1993 - May - A Tour of Lower Rock Creek Park – Part II


1993 - March - Celebrating the Neighborhood: Happy 100th Birthday Noyes Children’s Library – Outdoor Nursery


1993 - January - A Tour of Lower Rock Creek Park – Part I

1992 - October - What’s in a Name? Orienteering in Kensington


1992 - March - The Wells and Woodend


1992 - January - Another Walk through Woodend


1991- December - A Boyhood Remembrance – Alfred D. Noyes


1991 - October - Into the Woods…and Woodend, the home of the Audubon Naturalist Society


1991 - July/August - At Home in Kensington – Noyes Library


1991 - January - The Whooshball and the Historic House



1990 - Sept/October - Journey of the Big Train

1990 - February - Bringing Beauty to All Seasons Part 2


1990 - January - Bringing Beauty to All Seasons Part 1


1989 - Nov/Dec - St. Paul’s United Methodist Church – A Ringing Tradition


1989 - October - The Harry W. McGinniss Memorial Carillon At the Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church


1989 - July - Joseph’s Park: A History of Kensington Part 3


1989 - May & June - Joseph’s Park: A History of Kensington Part 1 & 2


1989 - April - Kensington’s Parks & People


1989 - January -  Building the Kensington Cabin


1987 - November -  On the Trail of the Ghost Library


1987 - September - The Trial of the Ghost Library


1987 - Summer - Sailing through Summer

1987 - April /May - People, Pets and Friendly Visits


1987 - February - From Armory to Town Hall, Part 2


1987 - January - From Armory to Town Hall




1986 - Sept/Oct - Pleasures of the Park


1986 - Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Supplies For Convalescents, the Ladies Auxilary, Milestones: The Kensington Volunteer Fire Department


1987 - May/June - Soaring into Summer


1986 - April - Refinancing a Mortgage: Step by Step


1986 - Winter (Jan) -  A School in the Woods


1985 - May - Kensington, Bethesda, Chevy Chase Lead County in 1984 Home Resale Values


1985 - August - Kensington Hawkins Produce


1984 - Winter -  Strategic Planning will Sell your Home Successfully


1984 - Summer - Miscellaneous real estate facts


1984 - Spring - Miscellaneous real estate facts


1983 - Winter -  Miscellaneous real estate facts




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